Gang System

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Legacy Roleplay India

Staff member
Apr 22, 2022
NOTICE: This document is meant to outline the gang system that brings higher quality role play to Legacy. This system is subject to changes, so check regularly.

Gang system

Being a gang at Legacy Roleplay India requires good roleplay and an understanding of the criminal underworld. To become a gang you need to apply and if accepted you will be granted access and abilities different from regular criminals. This is to further enhance and improve roleplay interactions as a criminal. But Before that you have to make sure you are not allowed to start a gang or join a gang because you were in that gang in another city or server or past if you join our server you have to start from scratch and roleplay this isn't a metaverse.

At LegacyRP there is not a defined gang type and everyone is free to roleplay with their own story, origin, and approach, within the scope of what is acceptable in regards to rules and guidelines. To better outline the definitions of a gang there is a tier system used to define gangs. The abilities and possible roleplay routes increase as you move up in tiers. If your application was to be accepted you would start at the bottom tier (tier 0). All the current tiers are listed and defined below:

Gang rules

Being an official group also means you need to adhere to an extra set of rules.

(5.1) Gang activity is limited to 6 members, however, this can be changed through the gang war agreement. This change allows you to exceed the limit of 6 members when engaging with another group. Rule 4.3 is still in effect.

(5.2) As previously mentioned, the alliances are meant to be strictly economic and do not allow for a defensive pact.

(5.3) Whitelisted gang clothing should only be worn by members of the respective group it belongs to.

(5.4) When engaging in a gang war and the police show up your primary focus should be disengaging and escaping. To reiterate, 4.3 is still in effect and only allows 6 members in total to engage in criminal activities against other parties, such as the cops.

(5.5) You are not allowed to be a member of more than one gang on any given character.

Probationary Gangs and Fully Whitelisted Gangs

Newly approved gangs will be considered 'Probationary gangs'. They will remain in their probationary period for a minimum of 1 week, and a maximum of 3 weeks, after which they will be required to submit a full whitelist request to their group managers via their respective gang chat, explaining the reasons as to why they wish to continue into a fully whitelisted gang.
If your request to proceed into a fully whitelisted gang is denied, your gang's whitelist will be removed and the group will be disbanded. There is then a 30-day waiting period before you can apply.

Description/Perks:Requirements to advance:

Group has been accepted to Probationary status.
  • Allowed 15 members.
  1. Minimum 7 days of active roleplay.
  2. Maximum of 21 days of active roleplay.
  3. No gang strikes within the probationary period.
  4. Review and approval from Group Managers.
Requirements for member cap increase:

Group has established itself as a gang and provides good roleplay (fully whitelisted gang).
  • Allowed 20 members
  1. High-quality roleplay.
  2. No gang strike within 60 days.
  3. Review and approval from Group Managers.

Strike System:
  • Gang strikes are issued if 3 or more members of a group are deemed breaking one or more of the community rules and guidelines.
  • Once you receive a strike, it will NOT fall off.
  • Gathering multiple strikes at one time will result in the immediate disbandment of the group.
  • Gangs can obtain a maximum of 3 strikes before being placed back into the strike probationary period.
  • The strike probationary period will be determined by the Group Managers to which you will be notified after the period is over.
  • During the strike probationary period, the gang is NOT allowed to add new members.
  • If a gang receives a strike during the strike probationary period, the group will be immediately disbanded.

Whitelisted Activities

- Cocaine Importations (plane)
- Gun Running
- Middle man for any of the three above processes.

Any whitelisted gang member is permitted to run and control processes BUT is limited to controlling one process at a time.

Eg. A gang can run and control the cocaine plane but cannot also be a middleman for oxy.

Gangs as a whole are only allowed to run other whitelisted processes 5 times per 24hrs (server restart to server restart) this still allows gangs to attempt to “sneak” another gang's process if they feel so inclined. This covers all rostered members in a group across all processes.

Eg. If a gang member in the Bloods do five Cocaine runs in the AM, then no other member of the Bloods will be permitted to run the cocaine plan again until the next server restart OR unless they are intending to take over that process as a gang.

A gang is ONLY permitted to run a process more than five times, IF they have intent to control or takeover a criminal process. If they do have this intent, they MUST inform the Group manager via their gang chat that they intend to war the current holder for the process.

Gang Wars

As a group, you are able to engage in gang wars against other groups. This can be for a multitude of reasons. We invite gang wars; however, there needs to be a structure and agreements set in place to allow for a smooth and streamlined gang war. There are two rules following gang wars:
  • Before war is formally initiated there needs to be an OOC agreement made between the leaders of both groups. This is to prevent any problems with the war and to have the terms and conditions in writing. More details can be found here: Gang war template example
  • After the war has been concluded there has to be a cooldown of 3 weeks (previously 1 week) before any new war can be initiated. This is to prevent constant wars and allow a break between warring parties.


We encourage cooperation and engagement between different groups. However, an alliance system should not be implemented to form a supergroup.
  • You are allowed to create an economic alliance, but not a defensive pact. This is to allow a fair and competitive criminal environment where even new groups have a chance to challenge established gangs if given enough time and preparation.
  • You are not allowed to ‘buddy up’ with members of different gangs to fight against one particular gang, all parties must be from the same group when in a war.


The Rumpo, Guardian, and the Hermes are all blacklisted vehicles. You may only purchase and use one if you are in a whitelisted gang.


  • When participating in any criminal activity with your group, you are allowed to be a maximum of 6 people (minus war agreements).
  • When participating in any criminal activity involving a member of a different gang or somebody not affiliated with your gang, you are allowed to be a maximum of 4 people.
  • When participating in a Prison Transport, the maximum number of people allowed to be involved is 6 (Your WL gang member can participate but must remain 6 If You decide to include other WL gangs then Only 4 Sadly.). The person being broken out of the transport does not count towards the number and should not engage in any sort of criminal activity. Their main goal is to flee.

Gang hopping and rosters
  • Gang hopping is no longer allowed. You are now limited to a 15-day cooldown when leaving any gang and joining another or the same one, regardless of the way you left your previous gang (yes including patchovers- you can be a hang-around but non-rostered) and make sure u fill this Form.
  • In regards to this as well, anybody added to a roster 7 days pre-war will not be allowed to participate in the war for up to 3 days.
  • Nobody will be removed from any roster until the gang leader has requested for them to be. This is for us to ensure that you leave the gang has been roleplayed out properly and that you're not doing it out of spite or to avoid roleplay with the said gang. Anyone who does this (sneakily, by leaving the discord and joining back) will be punished.


Group - Multiple members form a group, there have to be 5+ members for a group to exist.

Member - A member is defined as an individual listed on the official gang roster managed by the Group Managers. Members also include prospects and hang-around.

Block, Area & Region - Different geographically sized turfs that can be controlled, sized in respective order from smallest to largest.

Low-level criminal process - Chop Shop, OxyContin, Drug processing areas, Drug sales area.

High-level criminal process - Cocaine import

Gang war - A conflict between two groups, usually an armed conflict, where a dispute exists and is actively trying to be settled, either by force or negotiation. Solely between 2 gangs.

Alliance - An economic alliance between gangs, not a defensive pact.

Gang strike - 3 or more people in a group have been in a situation where a server rule was broken

Whitelisted gang clothing - Any article of clothing that would reasonably not be obtainable unless a part of said group. This includes but is not limited to custom shirts, vests, pants, liveries, and similar.
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