Job Rules

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Legacy Roleplay India

Staff member
Apr 22, 2022
Table of Contents
6. Police Rules
7. EMS Rules

6. Police Rules

Being a police officer at Legacy Roleplay is a huge privilege. It allows you to engage in some very interesting and awesome roleplay scenarios. In addition, you get to enforce the law! However, to ensure high-quality roleplay from the police, we have set a few rules.

(6.1) Tasers (non-lethal force) should be used unless there is a direct danger to surrounding officers or civilians or otherwise instructed by a high-ranking officer. Otherwise, lethal force can be used to terminate the danger.

(6.2) When going off-duty as an officer, you are to dispose of any equipment and vehicles that you got from the police department. You can not get equipment from the PD while off-duty.

(6.3) Police corruption is not permitted. Using the role as an excuse to benefit friends and/or gangs which your other character is a part of is not allowed.

(6.4) Detectives are not allowed to work on cases that their other characters are involved in. This is to avoid any metagaming.

(6.5) Police must value the lives of their own and any other civilian if involved in a criminal situation.

(6.6) Police cannot take out items from the evidence locker in order to profit from it.

(6.7) Negotiators can not be taken hostage.

7. EMS Rules

EMS is a role that does not primarily focus on combative roleplay. Your job is to help injured people, regardless of who they are.

(7.1) When going off-duty as a medic, you are to dispose of any equipment and vehicles that you got from the hospital. You can not get equipment from the hospital while off-duty.

(7.2) EMS is not to revive downed individuals that have been involved in a serious situation (gunshots, stab wounds, etc.) while off duty.

(7.2.1) EMS can revive downed individuals that have been involved in a minor situation (minor vehicle collision, fistfights, etc.) while off duty.
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